You're Here Because You're In The Place I Was

Well you're a lucky little leprechaun because i can do both of those things!

From taking the whole build off your hands to giving you the tools to build your own website with access to expert guidance Rare Site Shop is that rainbow that you look for after a storm.

Having invested in templates for social media and  showit website design I started to notice that everyone was using them, I was paying to blend in like a cloud in the sky. I needed to be a rainbow. So with a decade of design knowledge and an eye for detail that is was I did- I created my own rainbow in a sky full of clouds with the drive to create designs that aren't like the rest. And that is what sets Rare Site Shop apart.

Feeling lost, overwhelmed and tired of trying to figure out the world of web design, along with sleepless nights and the 100 google tabs that you have open just aren't helping.

You just want someone to wave a magical wand and create a website for you or at the very least make it an enjoyable process and less like a form of torture?

Yes I am an aesthetic, vanilla minimalist girly in my home decor but my personality is the complete opposite. Just like Beyonce has Sasha Fierce I too have an alter ego and that comes through in my showit templates and websites. 

Designing from a place of passion, and full creative freedom knowing that I can undo it with a click of button makes experimenting fun and risk free. 

My House Is Vanilla, But My Designs and Personality Are Anything But- You Could Say They're A Rainbow

begin your journey

if you're wondering wTF is with the rainbow motif let me spill...

We all know that having a business just is not going to cut it in 2024 you need a brand to sell your products. And the way to make your brand stand out is by bring YOU into YOUR brand. 

So that is what I did. But how? 

I really struggled coming up with a motif which suited not only by business but me. Until I stepped back and acted more child like, that I saw the signs that had been here all along, even before this business was in my head. 

  • Nova was my rainbow baby
  • My services and designs have a full spectrum 
  • I wanted to create a product that was Rare aka the template collection
  • When my friends are going through a storm cloud I am that rainbow to make them laugh or smile
  • I based my brand colours on my throat chakra and third eye chakra and both colours are in the rainbow.

    These are just some of the links each day I find more and more because when you truly link to your business your brand becomes effortless.

an ex design teacher, mum to little nova and to a fur baby lola, showit website designer and the most indecisive person when it comes to what colour paint to put on a wall

Hey nice to meet you lovely, i'm leigh.

A year ago I was utterly miserable and in floods of tears- constantly. After spending 8 years in a design teaching role, I had burnt out and hit my lowest point.

I took the leap to start my website design business when I became a mum, the long hours looking after other peoples children and just getting home to hug my own before she went to bed was just not right to me. And with my little one at home - it felt like now or never. I wanted to do something creative whilst cherishing the precious moments at home with my daughter.

Fast forward to today: I'm a happy AF Showit website designer for ambitious female entrepreneurs and I get to make money my way not societies. I enjoy slow mornings without the rat race to get to work, making memories with my girls in the week not just the weekend and going on holiday when I want in the year not just the school holidays!

a few favourite

resources of mine


Say hello to the most user-friendly and creatively empowering website platform ever! It's a breeze to tweak the design, update copy, and showcase your images. Oh, and guess what? I've got a free month code just for you: v6p1375k

site platform

Flo Desk

FloDesk is our secret sauce for creating beautiful, on-brand emails, seamless checkouts, and delivering our passive income products. Trust us, it's a game-changer! Get 50% off below!

Email marketing


Canva's my secret weapon – effortlessly create stunning marketing materials, maintain brand vibes, and save time. A game-changer for any business!

design platform


An absolute game-changer for my business, streamlining tasks and keeping my accounts organised
